Blast from the Past.

So I sat at my desk the other day with the afterglow that comes right after the completion of a project checking the vast amount of files I had created over the course of production, way too massive for a 30 seconds commercial I'd say. Well that took me to the archives, so I was going through this long list of folders, for what it's worth I had a good laugh, a few shrugs and a few grins (wishing someone could give me a pat on the back).
Notwithstanding, the peculiarity of each project helped me become the artist I am today. A word of advise, not giving a half hearted solution should be your maxim on all projects however big or small, big budget or no budget cos nobody will understand you weren't well compensated. Each work you put out there is a true representation of your person.

I take you down memory lane -the exciting, the not so exciting and the ‘what the heck was I thinking’.

Client:             Glo Mobile
Description:  TV Commercial 2010
Duration:       1 min.

Client:              FilmHouse Cinemas
Description:   Pitch for animated series 2011
Duration:        5:30 sec

Client:               Nigerian Breweries
Agency:             Insight Communications
Description:    TV Commercial 2011
Duration:          1 min
