The Art of Double Exposure

It was one of those lazy Saturday evening I sat watching MTVBase as the show reels an endless stream of Taylor Swift's videos, I was particularly taken by her 'Style' video. So I thought why not do a tutorial on Double Exposure. 

Double Exposure is a photographic technique in which two images are captured and combined into a single image. This technique is common in posters, book covers, movies, music videos and title sequences.

We’ll take a look at how the effect can be achieved in Photoshop using blend mode and layer mask then proceed to how we can achieve the same effect in video using Aftereffect’s track matte. We’ll also see how its done natively without a software using a camera (Canon 5D series features the option) in subsequent post.

The underlying principle is to have a high contrast image preferably with a white background which serves as the outline or clipping mask then the picture showing through can be any image of your choice. 

Images Courtesy afrobougee and fotofabrizio

Image A: High contrast, preferable with white background, you can use any image of your choice but you’ll have to crop the image out onto a white background.
Image B: Image showing through, carefully position picture so important parts don’t get trimmed off by the top layer.
